Business Enablement

We see ourselves as business enablers, not merely lawyers. We aspire to grasp the market, competitive, regulatory and consumer aspects of your business, to align ourselves with your vision, and volunteer our views beyond lawyering where we believe we can be helpful.


Kalantar Business Law Group will not have a long roster of clients. We will instead seek to dedicate our resources to clients we can partner with beyond isolated matters. We pledge attentiveness and continuity from senior, experienced lawyers, something that is often difficult for smaller clients with legal budgets to secure from their large law firms.

Rationalizing Legal Spend

Unlike most traditional law firms, we price our services on a project and retainer basis, and occasionally on the success of a transaction. We have jettisoned the billable hour. By containing overheads and costing our services more creatively, we strive to reduce clients’ long-term legal spend significantly.

To the Point

No more words, said or written, than are necessary to get the job done, unless otherwise requested.